Gunta Stölzl from Bauhaus and Beyond

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Gunta Stölzl (5 March 1897 - 22 April 1983) was a Textile Artist/Weaver at the forefront of the Bauhaus Movement.

New Exhibition

The Exhibit "In Wall House #2: Gunta Stölzl - 100 Years of Bauhaus Textiles,"
will be from March 30, 2019  through September 1, 2019 at the Groninger Museum in Groningen, The Netherlands.  

Life and Legacy

Discover more about Gunta Stölzl's life and legacy at, where one can read her biography and learn much more. 

The Weaver 

Here is a video that gives an example of her weaving process and shows how her textiles were created. 

Perroquet / Gunta Stölzl from experimentelle handweberei on Vimeo.