The ‘Secret’ Of Maps: Galicia

Galicia 1897 1

The “Secret” of Maps:  Galicia

Question:  What is the “secret” of maps?

Answer:  The “secret” is found where the “lines” have been drawn.

The kingdom of Galicia is a line drawn from the past. Today, we will take a deeper look at this area to discover its history.

Galicia in modern Europe map
Galicia in Modern Europe Map
CMS Green, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Remnants of The Past

Historical maps of Galicia (1775-1918)

Website: Forgotten Galicia (  

Topographic Maps of Eastern Europe  An Atlas of the Shtetl


Pale of Settlement

Author John Klier,  

Website:  The Yivo Encyclopedia Of Jews in Eastern Europe (

Audio Visual Viewpoints

The Fate of Austrian Galicia                                       


Galicia (Eastern Europe) | Wikipedia audio article

Galicia (Eastern Europe)

Terminology:  Pale


Meaning and origin of the ‘phrase’ beyond the pale’

Author Pascal Tréguer

Website:  Word Histories (

Symbol: The Jack Daw

Coat of arms of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria
File:Coat_of_arms_of_the_Kingdom_of_Galicia_and_Lodomeria.svg Samhanin">CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Raven Magpie or Crow?

Jack Daw Bird Facts


Learning about the map of Galicia in Eastern Europe may unlock a modern day ‘secret’. Meanwhile, with baited breath we continue to see the future Maps that are being drawn at present.